
Wednesday Mar 19, 2025
635 - Come Thou Fount of Every Burpee
Wednesday Mar 19, 2025
Wednesday Mar 19, 2025
Ask A Question:
Intro and Church Gym Emergency! (00:00-14:27)
Is the "age of accountability" a thing? (14:31-34:46)
How do I accept that some relationships in my life are just about as good as they are gonna get? Like I could try to set more boundaries, explain myself more, etc, but it feels like the other person has come about as far as they are going to. Is it okay to accept that? (34:48-46:19)
In Matthew 18:19, Jesus says “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.” I feel like that is not how it works, but what does this verse mean? (46:26-01:01:12)
Closing Song: Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (Pete Lawson)

Wednesday Mar 05, 2025
634 - Potluck: Taste and See
Wednesday Mar 05, 2025
Wednesday Mar 05, 2025
Ask A Question:
Intro and Oscar worthy emergency (00:00-15:20)
This week, Matt ran across the phrase “Anger feels like power to [some] people.” And it got the guys thinking. (15:28-32:37)
Are there such things as biblically “masculine” or “feminine” traits? I hear people say masculine traits are things like courage and strength, and feminine traits are being nurturing and caring. But shouldn’t everybody try to be those things? (32:40-43:48)
How should I think about bible verses like Philippians 2:14? It is a clear command, it’s also not something that I (or anyone else) can actually do. So what does it mean for me? (43:54-57:55)
Closing Song: Bigger Than My Fears (Jed Brewer)

Wednesday Feb 19, 2025
633 - Imprecatory Meat Jacket
Wednesday Feb 19, 2025
Wednesday Feb 19, 2025
Ask A Question:
Read Jed's article about the song Lee wrote for his wedding: https://www.rollingstone.com/culture-council/articles/what-wedding-song-teach-us-about-creative-commercial-success-1235262312/
Intro and a totally-not-jealous emergency (00:00-18:35)
Jesus says we should pray for our enemies. Does praying for them to get hit by lightning count? (19:26-36:48)
There are times in the Bible where it says that Jesus heals someone, but also times where Jesus tells them “your faith has healed you.” Is that just a way of saying the same thing, or is there something different going on with some of them? (36:52-47:35)
Obviously racism, sexism, etc is wrong. But is it un-christian? Is there a Christian/biblical case against it? (47:38-01:04:46)
Closing Song: Take My Life and Let It Be (Lee Younger)

Wednesday Feb 05, 2025
632 - Vanilla Ice and the Peaky Truckers
Wednesday Feb 05, 2025
Wednesday Feb 05, 2025
Ask A Question:
Intro and an emergency segment so off the rails, even I lost track of what we were talking about (00:00-21:42)
When I hear people like politicians say things like “God is on his throne” after bad things happen, it makes me angry. Like great, but shouldn’t you be doing something too? Is that being unreasonable or judgmental? (21:45-37:12)
How do I know if I am ready to get married? (37:17-51:22)
What is “the flesh” that Paul talks about? I feel like that only gets talked about referring to sexual stuff, but it seems like he is talking about something broader. (51:28-01:0:43)
Closing Song: Amazing Grace (Glenn Kaiser)

Wednesday Jan 22, 2025
631 - Ramentary: A Broathcast
Wednesday Jan 22, 2025
Wednesday Jan 22, 2025
Ask A Question:
Intro and some 2025 pitches (00:00-12:50)
How do I have a heathy friendship with someone when they are going through things in their life where they don’t really have the bandwidth to be a good friend back to me? (13:04-27:11)
I was raised with a lot of religious guilt. Like always talking about how “everybody you are do something bad, you are basically crucifying Jesus yourself”. I have done a lot of work letting go of all the shame. But I don’t know how to think about concepts like sin without going back to all that. Help? (27:16-46:27)
In John 12, Jesus defends the woman pouring out oil on him. After reading that, I wondered, is there a chance I am to judgmental of things like big churches that have a lot of expensive stuff? (46:31-59:37)
Closing Song: Cannons on a Lighthouse (Randall Goodgame)

Wednesday Jan 08, 2025
630 - Spiked Holy Water
Wednesday Jan 08, 2025
Wednesday Jan 08, 2025
Ask A Question:
Intro and a special double emergency (00:00-24:05)
What do you say when people ask you why you believe what you do? (24:19-40:12)
I always feel very connected and focused on my faith during the Christmas season, but it is hard to keep the momentum up after the holiday. Any tips on keeping it going? (40:47-55:22)
Is there anything about the Christmas story that you think people miss, or wish more people would think about? (55:27-01:09:13)
Closing Song: While No One Else Notices (Jed Brewer)

Tuesday Dec 24, 2024
2024 Christmas Special
Tuesday Dec 24, 2024
Tuesday Dec 24, 2024
Songs: Us Who Have No Joy (Haley Harris), Make it Right (Lee Younger), O Holy Night
Ask A Question: saythatpodcast@gmail.com

Wednesday Dec 11, 2024
629 - Turn Your Hymnals to "Like A Prayer"
Wednesday Dec 11, 2024
Wednesday Dec 11, 2024
Ask A Question:
Intro and a "People are singing Madonna songs in church" emergency. (00:00-20:00
I have heard people say that culturally, we need shame to return. When I think of living free of guilt and shame in a Christian sense, it looks way different than people who are acting “shameless” in the way they are. Is there a healthy way for shame to work? (20:00-34:34)
Why are the accounts of the Christmas story so different in the different gospels? (34:38-48:05)
In the book of acts, were the apostles doing street corner preaching? I tend to think that is a bad way to try to spread the gospel, but is there a biblical basis for it? (48:08-59:36)
Closing Song: I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day (Lee Younger)

Wednesday Nov 27, 2024
628 - Blood on the Fretboard
Wednesday Nov 27, 2024
Wednesday Nov 27, 2024
Ask A Question:
Intro and a traditional Gripesgiving celebration (00:00-17:48)
How do you balance self-sacrifice (giving your life away and all that) and self-care? (18:04-32:55)
There are people in my life going through a hard time that I want to support and encourage, but I don’t want to cross over into enabling them? Where is the line? (33:04-47:56)
What does it mean that faith without deeds is dead? (48:00-01:01:34)
Closing Song: Angels We Have Heard On High (The Poolhouse Guru)

Tuesday Nov 12, 2024
627 - King of Kings of the Ring
Tuesday Nov 12, 2024
Tuesday Nov 12, 2024
Ask A Question:
Intro and a Jesus as MMA coach movie emergency. (00:00-22:02)
I have decided to leave my job. It feels right, but it is not like there is a Bible verse telling me whether or not to do it. So how do I know if I am following God's leading? (22:19-37:43)
Jesus has a lot of specific instructions to people he sends out (don’t take a second cloak, shake the dust off your sandals, go in pairs, etc). What does that mean for us who are not missionaries and live in places we’re everyone has heard of Jesus? (37:54-51:53)
What is giving you hope? (52:00-01:04:37)
Closing Song: God Don't Let Me Quit